EX35 hatchback looks a little more, so call it a crossover as it does not rotate the language:). Beautiful smoothed bodywork, sporty and taut appearance, zauzhennye the headlights, neformatnaya looks - all these details make the car a very attractive and ambitious. I even thought that such a machine should be like all, especially the female sex, it is for us it was created!
Affected the appearance of a small crossover, I do not know what to think about its internal equipment. Here I will focus more in detail. ... Open the door of the driver's seat presented to me his chocolate leather trim. Having opened his mouth, I slowly popolzla on the driver's seat, where I had to spend 20 minutes to inspect the internal sites. They have a lot of Infiniti EX35.
The interior of the crossover looks lush and expensive. Amazing beautiful leather trim colors «chocolate», in conjunction with high-quality soft plastics in black, thick and comfortable seats with lateral support, beautiful analog clock «Infiniti», combined with wood front panel, elegant aluminum border - all are done with taste and at the highest level . The quality is even through the olfactory system, because the air entering the cabin from the street, cleaned the filter with a built-ionizer. In the dark, you can even be dissolved in the visual pleasure - so impressive, high volume scatters light-violet illumination devices!
It is gratifying that the mirrors mounted lanterns, lit area near the front door, pleased that the pendant does not need to get out of his pocket - start the engine with the button Start, and am pleased that someone would not be sitting in your car before you, electric with memory automatically lead "job" in the driver's desired position.
To complete the picture is not enough just to ride on the dynamic «baby». The machine we received the V6 engine with a volume of 3.5 liters (302 hp) and the five-«machine». Settings seats, mirrors, steering with the help of electronics took me a few seconds.
«Well, in the way» - I thought and revom motor vehicle accelerated at a meeting of twilight. EX35 goes simply amazing. To place the machine speed for 6.9 seconds, leaving all competitors at the traffic light beyond the horizon. Roar of the engine when «waggery» almost inaudible. Machine vgryzaetsya confidently on the road, well kept straight, the wheel does not knock out of the hands and tyazheleet with fast driving. «Poshahmatit» on such a machine is easy to manage, the car is clearly responding to the rapid reconstruction of, and excellent brakes if necessary. Even at the speed of the machine is clearly in the turns, and the squeal of tires, only adding in one. But do not get carried away, because the system Stability VSC instantly put you in place.

Yes, and even the security company Infiniti did not forget. In standard equipment includes a full set of airbags, ABS, EBD, BA, VDC, TCS, TPMS. If you fail all of these abbreviations? I, too, but the main thing - all this is done, to the maximum to secure your stay at the wheel.
And about the views of the neighboring cars and say no - any girl in this elegant car looks playfully and confidently.
At the holes, and hole country roads EX35 cease to be comfortable, and the heart stops to think that any of these pits can bring excellent «baby» at the bottom. No, this so-called crossover created exclusively for the city. Why rape the car and experience the unpleasant feeling when you can enjoy fully the wonderful ride through the city?
Places in the EX35 is not too much, but not enough. In the trunk is quite vlezut all the supplies for children or a trip to the store. If you want to translate bulky cargo, the rear seats can be folded by pressing the button in the wall of the luggage. And to raise the back seat can not got out of the driver's seat - the buttons are duplicated on the central panel. Rear seats last couple of girlfriends or children, but adults tall men do not advise - nizkovat ceiling.
When I was troubled a large parking «nose» machines, but by the order, the entire perimeter of the machine is monitored by four cameras. Two of them are hidden in the external mirrors, and two more - in the vicinity of the front and rear emblems. Obtained from the computer converts the data into a single volumetric image. You can also separately view the image from the side chambers, which will help not scratch expensive disks on curbs.
Another «fishechka» Infiniti EX35 - paint coating that can "live" minor scratches, ie if you erased the top layer of lacquer - a special resin will fill the damaged area and «voila» - as a new machine:).
Competitors in the class of small crossovers «deluxe» Infiniti have a lot - Volvo XC60, Mercedes-Benz GLK, Audi Q5, but the prices are different.
Price Infiniti EX35 nothing less - 2 million rubles. For example: when buying a Volvo or Audi, you can meet the 1.5 million If you have a priority, practicality and functionality, this machine is hardly priglyanetsya you, but if you are young and willing soul «poschegolyat», with a few extra million reserve, the this machine - what is needed. After all, it is excellent expensive shoes, which at the foot did not even feel it - it just carries you.
Yegor Dobrovol'skii: «Infiniti EX - Crossover-egoist!» Infiniti EX is made on the same philosophy as the «starshenky» FX: fashion, boldly, without regard to practicality and for quality athletic. To do this, do not even have to sit behind the wheel and drive: one looks only confirms this view. Why? The proportions of all matter in the same proportions ...
Outwardly, the car and really, let's say, a compact, even a little. Against the background of any competitor whether Audi Q5 and Volvo XC60 "Japanese» looks too tiny and, most importantly, no harmony in the external style: the long hood and small cabin with a heavy stern. But like with like Infiniti EX glamor public. And it happens in part because of the dear image of the brand Infiniti, and then tastes in people, as we know different. However, Infiniti EX mostly like girls accounted for, namely «devchachey» part of it though otbavlyay: soft, dutye sides, stretched wings headlights head light plus the weight bizhyuterii of chromium in the lattice falshradiatornoy and luggage linings, and of how to resist to fashion the rear lights with the LEDs.
EX outwardly seem uncomfortable, and this impression is reinforced when you try to quickly and easily get onto the driver's seat not to mention the process of landing on the second row. The door opening is wide, but the low roof, and front desk too overwhelmed, and the seat is set low, so that prolezt inside comfortably either lady, or subtilny dyadenka.

Of course, claims to the quality of car interior decoration of this level can not be that proper and podverzhdaet experience with Infiniti EX: soft plastic coffee-colored skin and gently creates a special atmosphere that only the inherent luxurious «Japanese». And massive insertion of a tree here in the topic, they are not dull, that reinforces the sense of the high cost of the car.
Sitting at the driver's seat, it becomes clear that the rear passengers are not to be envied. Even the man behind the average growth space for the legs to be butt, shizkaya roof appreciable pressure on the head, and shoulders at once zhmet. But the front seats with power-have a wide range of adjustments. In addition, ergonomics of the EX really good: it's a lot of buttons, but they are convenient and offer sound symbolism. Using an interactive menu system may not be as easy as when dealing with analog technology at the German machines, and all the same: to get to a section, you can not removing attention from driving.
If, however, behind the wheel started strapping the driver, then behind him would not be able to sit down, even a child. Back of the front seat cushions from the rear will be separated in this case, ten centimeters - the word, Infiniti of four cars turned into a triple.
Perturbation is the sham trunk, which is enough in the best case for a couple of small bags. 309 L - it is very little crossover, but vpihnut here even more difficult case, and because of the narrow aperture luggage. Moreover, it does not have Infiniti electric rear door.
But what pleasant emotions gives dynamics Infiniti and its 302-strong 3,5-liter V-shaped «Six». This evil character of teddy EX just not waiting: motor is still a transmission is engaged, whether dispersal from their seats or with speed, he does not care: a wave of hurricane strength narkryvaet immediately and continued unabated with increasing speed. Overtaking are simple, but with a rhythm of the engine consumes fuel by 20 liters and above.
Stiff suspension, minimum heel in turns and precise steering tuned - more than a dream man who prefers an active style of driving. By the way, the behavior of Infiniti and asphalt, and ice is beyond praise. The car is understandable and predictable. But the suspension is tight and costs - a low driving comfort. Even small defects in the pavement suspension reacts badly.
Naturally Infiniti EX is equipped with a full drive, like most crossovers in general. In an Infiniti electronically controlled clutch. In normal mode, rear wheel drive car, but on a signal ESP connects the front axle. This is a small and almost imperceptible delay, but these settings require a rear wheel drive behavior in the fast turn: EX willingly fails to skid, then gently connects the front axle, but still more than a moment ago. As a result, you can even pass in turn controlled by the gas and wheel slip, because ESP can be completely disabled.
In general, if you're interested in a car full of contradictions weaving, but at a price that, on average, for topovouyu version of Elite is more than 2 100 000 rub. It is close to the best models for business-class, which, believe me, they can go no worse than, the this is your personal choice that nobody has the right to challenge.
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